Saturday, October 4, 2008


I am a bundle of contradictions!
I am the bustle of the morning and serenity of the evening.
I love the freedom of the abstract and the conviction of the concrete.
I am impulsive and I am cautious.
I am gauche and I am sophisticated.
My ambition is my strength and my weakness.
I am what I am!

I am a rebel. My parents realized this as I was growing up, much to their exasperation. My rebellious nature brought with it the restlessness and the constant urge to prove myself. My extroverted childhood was followed by an introverted adolescence, but the rebel inside me stayed intact. Somewhere along the way, I metamorphosed from an awkward adolescent to a confident, gregarious and fiercely independent individual.

1 comment:

agog said...

Deepti, well known for her individuality and personality.. She is a person where the horizons of intellectuality and emotions meet.
No wonder she has been a rebel, but far above all that she is a "PERSON OF SPIRITS".

GO Deepti.. Go.. Sky is the limit for u. All the best for everything in life.. :)